
Every search engine positions the keyword differently and the positioning of keywords also differs frequently in the same search engine depending upon the geographical location of the user. The major factor which influences the ranking of the website is keyword phrases for different search engines. Being in the SEO business, our ultimate goal is to increase the client’s website ranking in various search engines specified by the client. Fast and easy to use, it ensures a great ROI for your team as it reduces the time used to create the setup packages, leaving more time for development.The key to success for a website is good search engine ranking. Advanced Installer is used for authoring MSI and App-V packages or repackaging by a wide users range, from beginners to senior developers and system administrators. Over the last 18 years Caphyon has created software applications for developers and Internet professionals that are reliable, secure and easy to use. Send your queries to support at advancedinstaller dot com. Stay in touch with the latest news about Advanced Installer or check the full features matrix. Learn how to create your packages with Advanced Installer using our free online tutorials.

  • Support to build Microsoft App-V™ 4.x and 5.x packages.
  • Fully automated command line interface that can be integrated with MsBuild, Ant, etc.
  • Converts your VDProj files to Advanced Installer projects on the fly.
  • Visual Studio extension, to build your setup packages directly.
  • Trial/Licensing library that helps you monetize your application.
  • Built-in Automatic Updater, so you can deploy the latest version of your application instantly to all of your users.
  • Easy to use GUI with powerful options to configure IIS, run SQL scripts and configure other Windows components when installing your application.
  • Supports creating setup packages (MSI and MSIX) for all Windows® editions.
  • ALL features are available in the trial period. A commercial license is required when you need to use more powerful features like the prerequisites, dialogs editor or custom actions.
  • It includes a FREE version (unlimited time) for creating simple projects and installers from Visual Studio with full Azure DevOps integration.
  • caphyon

    Microsoft Device Guard Signing Service v2 & Azure Key Vault Signing.Convert WiX Toolset projects directly from Visual Studio.Digital signature built-in support for an EV Code Signing Certificate (eToken).Read more about our Microsoft partnership.
